How we referee:

The Chief-Editor assign a Guest Editor for each paper from the Editorial Board. The Guest Editor invites two or more referees and communicate the referee reports with the corresponding author. We invite referees with various backgrounds. We try to get referees from both sides if the paper doesn’t have the politically correct conclusion. When the Guest Editor has received enough referee reports, and the author has done the required improvements, the GE concludes and sends his conclusion to the Chief-Editor, who takes the final decision. In some cases extra rounds of referees are required.

We have also tried open public referee procedure, but concluded that we were not able to get enough referees with this method. The readership is too limited for this procedure to work. We have also discussed to have a double blind referee procedure, but found that too demanding.

Rules for Referees

Compliance With Science Checklist

For rating of contributions we recommend to use the following Checklist, provided by J.Scott Armstrong and Kersten Green (2022) in The Scientific Method