Richard Mackey: The Earth’s Decadal Rotation and Climate Dynamics

SCC Volume 3.2.

Several oscillating atmospheric/oceanic systems (e.g., the El Niño/Southern Oscillation, QuasiBiennial Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and North Atlantic Oscillation) are largely responsible for the Earth’s weather and climate. Two fluid structures (the oceans and atmosphere) envelope the solid Earth. A rotating fluid generates waves (inertial waves) that flow inside the
fluid, not on the surface.

The inertial (Rossby and Kelvin) waves in the atmosphere and oceansare largely responsible for the formation, intensity, and duration of the main atmospheric/oceanic oscillating systems. The Earth’s rotation has a dominant role in climate dynamics because it causes the inertial waves. The Earth rotation rate is typically 86,400 seconds per day: the Length of Day (LoD). There are three well-established findings about the Earth’s rotation:

  • Every ten years or so the Earth’s rotation rate increases or decreases significantly by between three and five milliseconds.
  • When, on a decadal basis, the Earth’s rotation rate increases, the Earth warms globally; when the rate decreases, the Earth cools globally.
  • The cycles of global warming and cooling episodes repeat about every 60 years. Overlaying these cycles are the impact of the
  • Sun via radiation, matter, electromagnetic and gravitational fields, and their interaction effects;
  • atmospheric/oceanic systems’ interaction effects; and
  • interaction effects of all processes.

The decadal rotational variations likely arise from gravitationally driven electromagnetic coupling between inner and outer cores and the mantle. Global temperature changes some eight years after the Earth’s rotation rate changes. The Earth’s rotation rate changes some eight years after the inner core’s rotation rate changes. Recently, scientists found that the inner core’s rotation rate began to slow around 2009. Global cooling is likely to set in around 2025. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change does not mention any of the vast body of research published over the last 50 years on this subject. US and OECD scientific authorities consider that the deliberate omission of scientific results constitutes the falsification of science and is scientific misconduct.

Continue reading: The Earth’s Decadal Rotation and Climate Dynamics by Richard Mackey.