Jan-Erik Solheim: Hot Talk, Cold Science by Fred S. Singer

SCC Volume 1.1

Book Review

The book Hot Talk, Cold Science is a «must» for everybody who wants to know the background for today’s climate hysteria. In addition, it gives an updated summary of how little we understand about the Earth’s climate. It shows how wrong it can get if we use complicated and un-validated climate models to predict climate hundred years from now, while the same models go wrong for a few days weather forecasts.

Twenty-two years have now passed since the first edition of the book Hot Talk, Cold Science by S. Fred Singer. The second edition arrived a couple of years later. Singer passed away in April 2020. He had then just finished this third and updated edition with assistance of David R. Legates and Anthony R. Lupo. This edition is published by the Independent Institute in the US in 2021.

Fred Singer was a pioneer in the development of satellite and rocket technology. He constructed the first instruments for measuring ozone from satellites and was the main responsible for the development of weather satellites in the US. He was founder and first director of the science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) and founder of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) and the main author of most of the NIPCC-reports.

Most people find the climate debate difficult. Alarming predictions of a climate crisis and the doom of the world we know if we don’t sacrifice the way of living we are accustomed to, scare people to accept expensive and unnecessary actions to save the planet. What we observe is a small warming trend – almost not measurable, accompanied with an increase in atmospheric CO2 which is greening the Earth and provides more food for all living.

In the book we are told with supreme clarity what lies behind the creation of a supranational
organization: The International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which is an international agreement based on CO2 as the main driver of climate. When enough countries had signed the convention (now signed by 197 parties), a series of yearly climate Conferences of the Parties (COP) started. The COPs have agreed on protocols and rules for more-or-less-binding agreements on how to reduce CO2 emissions. As a result, we got the Kyoto-Protocol Disaster, the Copenhagen-Failure, the ParisAgreement and may expect Something Stronger in Glasgow in November this year.

Continue reading: Hot Talk, Cold Science. Global Warming’s Unfinished Debate. By Jan-Erik Solheim.