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The objective of this journal was and is, to publish – different to many other journals – also peer re-viewed scientific contributions, which contradict the often very unilateral climate hypotheses of the IPCC and thus, to open the view to alternative interpretations of climate change.
The journal is a non-profit venture, hosted and supported by the Norwegian Klimarealistene (KR – Climate Realists). Also, other climate organizations and their members support the journal with qualified publications or their engagement as guest-editors and reviewers.
In 2021 SCC started in the classical format publishing two volumes, altogether 271 pages. Since 2022 it is operating as Open Access Journal with very moderate publication fees, with a new layout and new website. In 2022 three volumes and in 2023 five volumes could be published, consisting of research and review articles, of essays, discussion papers, conference summaries and book reviews (see Papers).
So, within less than three years SCC could develop to an internationally recognized Journal of Climate Sciences presenting alternative views for a much broader discussion and understanding of climate phenomena.
We try to continue the previous successful work and at the same time to gain further experts on the wide field of climate sciences, who can strengthen the editorial work and support those objectives.
Ole Henrik Ellestad Hermann Harde
(KR’s Scientific Board) (SCC’s Editorial Board)
Volume 4.1 June 2024
Volume 4 is planned to appear in two issues. This first issue contains a longer review paper of Roy Clark, who explains in detail, why the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, who awarded part of the 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics to Syukuro Manabe, failed to recognize that the climate models used to justify the award, were invalid.
New Publications
Moritz Büsing: Systematic Error in Global Temperatures due to Weather Station Ageing
The white paint or white plastic of the housings of weather stations ages, which leads to increased absorption of solar radiation and to increased temperature measurements. This alone would be a small error. However, many different state-of-the-art homogenization algorithms repeatedly add this small value each time a weather station is renovated, renewed, or replaced, which…
Dai Ato: The Sea Surface Temperature Rules
The impact of certain factors on the changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂) concentrations has yet to be elucidated. In particular, the impacts of sea surface temperature (SST) on the balance of CO₂ emissions and absorption in the atmosphere and the human use of fossil fuels have not been rigorously compared. In this study, the…
Ian L K McNaugton: Temperature versus CO2 & Population Growth
For many years, the scientific debate about the threat of rising global temperatures caused by rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has depended on estimation, homogenization, the use of anomalies rather than actuals, and complex computer modelling of key variables. This estimation process with its complexity leaves their broad conclusions open to challenge. This paper attempts…
Roy Clark: A Nobel Prize for Climate Model Errors
Volume 4.1 When the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded part of the 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics to Syukuro Manabe they failed to recognize that the climate models used to justify the award were invalid. When the CO2 concentration was increased in the 1967 model developed by Manabe and Wetherald it created warming as…
Antero Ollila: The 2023 Record Temperatures
Vol 4.1 According to the paradigm of the IPCC global warming is solely due to anthropogenic causes. Record-high temperatures have been measured for the summer months of 2023 and the anthropogenic climate drivers – mainly greenhouse gases – have been named as culprits. Simple analyses reveal that the temperature increase of the year 2023 cannot…